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राजस्थान प्रौढ़ शिक्षण समिति

Pati Pothi Laayegen Ghar Ghar Alkh Jagaegen.

(With a book and slate we will go door to door and aweken every home.)

Shanti kabutar Pankh Pasar Hathiyaro ki Hogi Haar.

(Weapons will be faild in front of peace scattering pigeon.)

Rukkey upar tek ungutha sau rupay hi liye udhar biyaj chukatey barso bitey fir bhi paye nahi utar

(The debt once taken, could never be repaid by the illitrete ones.)

एइ सँब मूढ़ म्लान मूक मुखे दितो हँबे भाषा
एइ सँब शांत शुष्क भग्न बुके
ध्वनिया तूलिते हँबे आशा

रवीन्द्र नाथ ठाकुर

These lines are taken from a poem by Gurudev Ravindra Nath Thakur and these words have been our inspiring and driving force. The meaning of these lines is as follows:- "All these deprived, dumb, deserted, downtrodden and so-called dirty people are to be given courage to open their mouth and speak out the truth and those silent, perched and broken hearts are to be given new hope."

Our objectives have been far more broader but these lines above have paved our path.

Ravindra Nath Thakur


Our mission is to create a learning society. Through life long learning we want to achieve total harmony in a peaceful and fraternal society. We also aim to achieve freedom from hunger, freedom from all sorts of exploitation, superstitions, dogmas and tabboos. To create an absolute non violence brotherhood is our mission'.
